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Peace Camp 2008よりgrassrootsに参加。

Hello, I'm Musashi.  I am an American born Philosopher from Kumamoto Prefecture.
But, as my major in World Religions and Asian Philosophy didn't really open a path to any kind of paying job, I'm currently a regular ol' English teacher.
Despite my rough looks, I'm not really such a bad guy.  I have always been interested in making the planet a better place to live (as of now, it is the only place I have ever lived), but joining the Grassroots
team has allowed me to expand my efforts in a very positive way.
I'm very thankful for the power of their spirit!

黒い弾丸が今夜も流川を徘徊する。 否。むしろ川で溺れる当代きっての遊び人。

座右の名は「穴があったら入りたい。」 …『恥』の文化をリスペクトしつつも、破廉恥な日常は続く。

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